"I am going to have a really hard time with this but here goes... 1. Evil Dead 2 2. An American Werewolf In London 3. Suspiria 4. Psycho 5. Rosemary's Baby 6. The Evil Dead 7. Dawn of the Dead (Origin"

"I love that both our Hitchcock lists are at the same number currently. You have a good variety of his films as well. I really need to watch more of his early work since I tend to watch more of his la"

"Nice to see you enjoyed Iron Man 3 just as much as me."

"It's a pretty great read, the sequel not nearly as much. I can see they left a lot out for time, but even then I feel like they could have done a lot more with the source material. I think I need to g"

"Glad to see someone else hated The Ring Two as much as I did. I got free passes to see when it came out and wanted to walk out several times. The deer scene had me in stitches. "

"It was a total mindfuck and I have no idea what to think about it whatsoever."

"I think it's very interesting that both you and I watched The Awakening and Citadel in the exact order, and you had about the same opinions on them both as I did."

"I'm trying to watch as much Vincent Price as possible since they are taking it off Netflix on May 1st. I still need to watch Madhouse, Witchfinder General, and a few Boris Karloff films based on Lovec"

"It was pretty damn great, Price looked like he was having a fucking ball throughout."

"1. Django Unchained 2. Moonrise Kingdom 3. Ruby Sparks 4. The Hobbit 5. Frankenweenie"

"1. Psycho 2. Day of the Dead 3. The Omen 4. A Nightmare On Elm Street 5. Fright Night P.S The Fog remake also really really sucked. So someone else vote for it since I already have five."

"I watched Suspiria at a really young age and I have a very strange attachment to it. It could be because the music was scary as hell to me as a child. If someone played it in a dark alley I was in, I'"

"So happy to see you enjoyed Night Of The Creeps. I love it so damn much that it was the first Blu Ray I ever bought and still my favorite one. Also extremely jealous you got to see John Dies At The En"

"I'm also a huge Doctor Who fan so I am beyond curious. I was just afraid of it due to my all out love for the original and Roddy McDowall playing the role. I think it will try it though if just for Da"

"I'll have to check it out then, I was curious to see David Tenant's take on Peter Vincent."

"I still don't like windows because of that little fucker. My friends used to come scratch my window at my old place because they knew I was terrified. So now I live on the second floor, I'm that freak"

"Glad to see you enjoyed The Secret World of Arrietty, I liked it quite a bit."

"I thought it was wonderful as well. I'm glad I noticed that it was leaving thanks to your list. So thanks for that, I had it in my instant que for a long time and hadn't gotten around to it yet."

"I actually haven't watched Adventure enough to consider it a favorite I suppose. The episodes I have seen are pretty wonderful though."

"I bought Tales of Graces F for my gf for Christmas and she really seems to like it. So hopefully you will as well."

"Your views on Sinister are spot on. I kept sitting there waiting to be blown away and it never happened. I did really dig the score however, which is always a nice way to keep you somewhat occupied ev"

"Deadites...zombies... same thing =)"

"1. Ash Williams- Bruce Campbell 2. Lional Cosgrove- Timothy Balme 3. Peter- Ken Foree 4. Francesco Dellamorte- Rupert Everett 5. Simon Pegg- Shaun "