"Frailty was just horrible...now I'm pissed off thinking about it."

"Yeah, it sound like 2 is the high point for many. My friend really enjoys the series and is being extremely annoying about how much he wants to play three. So I'm assuming that it will be good as well"

"I will have to get back to you on recommendations. What kind of stuff are you into besides horror? You have three great ones on the list, I would recommend Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, H.G. Wells,"

"I'm so jealous you got to see ET on the big screen. I was really happy to get a chance to see Dr. Strangelove on the big screen last week though."

"Really need to play Psychonauts as well but haven't found the time yet...I think I'm still hoping for an HD upgrade which I know won't happen. Luigi's Mansion is super short but great, I'm personally "

"I think I finally will play it. I've heard nothing but great things so I should finally get around to it. Do the other games in the series hold up at all?"

"Manos.......what a film. Watch Troll 2 if you haven't already, and check out Birdemic, it's a tough watch though."

"Glad to see you enjoyed Rango quite a bit. I only saw Harold and Maude for the first time last year in a film class and fell in love with it, I was glad to hear it's being released on Blu and DVD a mo"

"Cool to see you watched Cemetery Man, and Thirst. I enjoyed both very much. And I'm so damn jealous of you for seeing The Avengers since I have wait another week, but glad to hear you enjoyed it."

"I'm glad to see A Bug's Life on here because everyone I know hates the hell out of it and that pisses me off. I adore it and it's the only Pixar film I own on Blu-ray. Not saying I wouldn't own others"

"It's pretty amazing series. I guess some kind of prequel of sorts is coming out this fall."

"Eden Lake was a tough watch for me. I enjoyed it to the extent you can enjoy a film of that subject matter. I can't see myself watching it again. I'm glad you gave it such a strong rating, it's a quit"

"I adore Life Aquatic and am a huge fan of Hudsucker Proxy, but it has been a long time since I've seen it so I hope it holds up but you should definitely give it a watch."

"I'm glad someone else has seen Fido. I had a chance to see a screening of it at Sundance and loved it. I noticed it's currently streaming on Netflix so hopefully that will help it become a bit more we"

"Do you see yourself playing Shadows of the Damned again? After I finished it I had no intention of going back. It was a fun experience but it wasn't an experience I feel I need to have more than once "

"I'm glad someone else enjoys The Cat from Outer Space. I am a huge cat person so I think I would have liked either way. I have been trying to fill in as much as I can but have been easily distracted b"

"I am deeply terrified at what platinum dunes could do with Monster Squad."

"I started watching Basket Case about two days ago also noticing that it is set to leave soon. It's taken me way too long to actually watch it. Let me know what you think when you get around to it."

"Nice to see Fantasia at number one. My favorite animated film."

"The more I read about Take Shelter the more interesting it seems. I really need to check it out. "

"1. Slaughterhouse Five- Kurt Vonnegut 2. Dracula- Bram Stoker 3. Nine Stories- J.D. Salinger 4. Slapstick- Kurt Vonnegut 5. The Rules of Attraction- Bret Easton Ellis 6. Catch-22- Joseph Heller 7. Dea"

"I just don't like Diablo Cody at all. I wasn't a big fan of the dialogue. Jason Bateman did a great job in the film but that was about the only thing I liked."

"Kwaidan was extremely exhausting but definitely worth a watch. What was your favorite segment of the film? Mine was the third story in, involving the blind man. The visuals of the film were breathtaki"

"You really don't need to play Assassin's Creed if you already gone far into 2 simply because 1 wasn't that great. I just finished it and have been told that 2 is quite wonderful. Glad to see someone e"

"Whenever I see the Child's Play cover I still wanna pee just a little. Just seeing that as a child was enough to give me nightmares well into my teens. And now I'm going to have one tonight =("

"I avoided Wolverine for as long as I could, then got dragged to it on a double date. I wanted to stab my eyes out."