"I wish I still had all my E.T stuff from when I was little. I still have a poster that is nowhere near as cool as the one you used to have. The one thing I truly love having is a E.T tin trash can. It"

"I've been wanting to see Inside for a long time. I felt the same way about a lot of these. Shallow Grave was a really interesting tough watch. Antichrist was as well, but I really adore Rosemary's Bab"

"Interesting to see you felt the same way about Chinatown as I did. I had a hard time rating it for some reason. I really enjoyed it and the atmosphere was wonderful as were the performances, but I wat"

"I don't think it's as great as it could have been, or near as good as Best Worst Movie, but I didn't hate it by any means. I kind of wish it was edited a bit different and did feel that it cared more "

"I didn't realize I was the only person who has watched The American Scream on this site so far. I'm a bit surprised at that due to it being the second film from the director who made Best Worst Movie."

"It was such as bizarre experience, but I found it entertaining if anything. And cool to see our ratings match, I have literally no time at all to watch movies and it's annoying me so I'm trying to sn"

"I still really need to read Smoke and Mirrors, so thank you for reminding me. As for Terry Brooks, I've never read any of his work, so maybe I should start as many people seem to enjoy his work."

"Wonderful list full of wonderful games. Interesting to see that you chose Fallout New Vegas over Fallout 3. Also that you didn't include Bioshock. However, it's a great list full of amazing games wort"

"Happy to see E.T and Gremlins on here, two of my favorite movies."

" 1. Ray Bradbury 2. J.R.R Tolkien 3. H.P. Lovecraft 4. Neil Gaiman 5. H.G. Wells "

"I've never actually played through Oblivion, I did start it, but didn't play much beyond a few hours. I never got hooked on it like Skyrim. From what I've heard Oblivion is a wonderful game as is Skyr"

"It's pretty wonderful, that segment makes me so uncomfortable."

"Nice to see what you have been playing. I still loved Mass Effect enough to play the next two and 2 was wonderful. I would definetly hold off on Lollipop Chainsaw until it goes down a bit, it's a fun "

"I keep trying to think of other things to add, but I keep drawing a huge blank which makes no sense to me since I watch horror films all the time."

"Grave of the Fireflies was wonderful. It just left me very sad, but it was a wonderful piece of film-making that's for sure."

"Glad to see you enjoyed Rosemary's Baby. I love the book just as much as the film, it's probably the closest I've ever seen a book be adapted to film. Also nice to see you dug Dog Soldiers, it's a pre"

"Agree on so many levels about Jared Leto."

"Hellraiser 3 sucked so damn much. Hopefully you are the same as me and will stop at that one, I don't think I could take anymore."

"Having recently watched Noroi, I can totally agree with you one hundred percent. I started watching it at about 7 pm or so and around 8 or so I started getting a little too freaked out to continue wat"

"I need to check out all the ones you suggested. I've been wanting to see Notorious for a while just haven't gotten around to it yet. I recently borrowed Trouble With Harry from a friend and haven't go"